Today we start that loooong list of renovation projects we’ve saved up all year.
First up:
- Strip the wallpaper in the front hallway
- Patch the hole in the living room ceiling from where we took out a woodstove
- Replace a water fill valve in a toilet (it had a wicked hammer when it finished filling)
- Start putting ‘Christmas’ back in boxes until next year
So far, we’ve gotten the wallpaper down. These are the paint samples I have to choose from. We’re leaving the wallpaper on the stairs. You’ve heard me say a million times, ‘That’s what’s holding the house up.’ Plus, no worries when a 90 lb guest is trying to haul their 75 lb shopping bag up the stairs!
This is the first pass. The filler for the hole. Joint compound next up.
Tomorrow Rock will be washing the front hall to remove the wallpaper paste and then he’ll patch the dents and dings and holes. (Always amazed how many holes are in the walls from pictures that were taken down eons ago!)
Right now I’m going to pull up a chair in front of the fire and work on the last chapter of my book.